Mini-conference on sustainable public catering

Mini-conference on sustainable public catering

A mini-conference on the implementation of sustainable public catering in Hungary was held on 17 January 2024 in Budapest. The conference was supported by the German Federal Foundation for the Environment (DBU, Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt), the Csermely Environmental Association and the Responsible Gastro Foundation. During the day-long programme, the participants were able to attend the following presentations: All the speakers…

You Are What You Eat: the twin experiment

You Are What You Eat: the twin experiment

We recently wrote about how the Veganuary initiative is gaining momentum, with not only consumers, but also supermarkets, restaurants and product manufacturers joining campaigns for Vegan January. It’s hard not to see it as good timing for Netflix’s new series, which was added to the popular streaming service’s site at the beginning of January. After Game Changers, Netflix has now…