What has NÉGYOSZ achieved so far?

December 2022
Négyosz logó
December 2022

NÉGYOSZ was founded,


the Hungarian Association of Plant-Based Food Producers and Distributors.

26th April 2023
26th April 2023

Report of the Competition Authority on the dairy sector - NÉGYOSZ resolution


It is a great honour for us, and also a recognition of the role of the vegetable category, that on 26 April, NÉGYOSZ was one of the professional organisations that were able to participate and comment in the professional consultation on the report of the Economic Competition Office's investigation into the dairy sector.

8th June 2023
8th June 2023

Sustainability Awards Ceremony at METRO


As last year's winners, we presented the METRO Sustainable Gastronomy Award in the category of organisation and restaurant to the Dabas Institutional Care Centre and the vegan restaurant The Planteen.

20th July 2023
20th July 2023

Presentation at the Hungarian Prison Service Education Centre


At the invitation of the Hungarian Prison Service, our team gave a professional presentation on the relationship between meat-free nutrition and sustainability at the Institute's Education Centre.

August 2023
August 2023

Consultation on the naming of plant-based foods


Consultations were held with the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Food Chain Safety Agency to define terminology standards for plant-based food alternatives that adequately represent these products on the market. We were able to participate in these consultations and make suggestions.

17th-20th August 2023
17th-20th August 2023

Participation at the CARE conference


We had the opportunity to attend the CARE Animal Rights Conference again this year, where we gained a lot of good practices, information and valuable international contacts.

October 2023
October 2023

In early October 2023, we completed our first representative consumer survey


Our aim was to assess the current needs and preferences of the population in the context of plant-based diets. This was a very important project for us, as Hungary is typically missing from the map in terms of data in this area.

October 2023
October 2023

The semi-finals of the public catering competition have been completed


With the support of the Association of National Society of Conservationists (MTVSZ), we were able to participate in this year's public catering competition. The Hungarian Prison Service joined the competition for the first time, inviting NÉGYOSZ to mentor their team. This year the main message of the competition was sustainability.

As a result of our patronage, 2 out of 3 of our teams qualified for next year's finals, thus introducing our organisation to the participants.

19th October 2023
19th October 2023

Call for proposals to support the promotion of plant-based nutrition in Hungary


In cooperation with NÉGYOSZ, Danone and the Hungarian Dietetic Association, we have prepared our manifesto. It is a public document that we have shared on our website and made available for signatures, and it can also be signed by individuals and organisations. 

Our aim is to create a coalition between producers and various organisations to declare our intention to support the Hungarian nutrition and food industry in moving towards a plant-based approach.

9th November 2023
9th November 2023

Conference for the development of sustainable food systems


We have organised the first fully owned event of NÉGYOSZ, entitled "Conference for the Development of Sustainable Food Systems". The event was mainly aimed at governmental stakeholders, so that a comprehensive discussion on the role and importance of plant-based diets in Hungary could be launched. 

14th November 2023
14th November 2023

Co-organised the Plant-Powered Perspectives conference


For the 3rd time we organised the Plant-Powered Perspectives conference, together with our co-organiser VBC (Vegan Business Circle). This year our focus was on the HoReCa sector and the possibilities of introducing plant-based options.

17th November 2023
17th November 2023

We presented at the first Flexi Forum


We were invited as speakers at the first Hungarian flexitarian forum organised by Danone and the University of Debrecen - so three of our team were invited to present at the event.

December 2023
December 2023

Expanding our membership


We are proud that in our young, one-year existence, we have gained as members such major players in the plant-based products and rotary processing industry as Danone, as well as Naszálytej Tejfeldolgozó és Kereskedelmi Kft. and Pápai Hús.

In addition to the larger companies, our Association has also grown this year with the addition of small and medium sized companies that create exceptional value.

March 5-7, 2024
March 5-7, 2024

We attended SIRHA


The 2024 SIRHA Budapest event at HUNGEXPO was a great success for NÉGYOSZ! Not only did we make many new contacts, but we also had the opportunity to participate in ground-breaking and exciting panel discussions, as well as the finale of the Public Catering Competition.

Among our members, we had the opportunity to get people tasting the plant-based products of Lolo Snack, Naszálytej, and Vega-Farm Food Ltd.

Our Managing Director, István Miskolczi, participated in the exciting round table "Free-From and Alternative Foods in Nutrition" organised by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Our President, Ervin Nagy, took part in the Sustainability Roundtable organised by KÖZSZÖV in connection with the Public Catering Competition.

On the last day, when the results of the Public Catering Competition were announced, we learned that the two teams mentored by NÉGYOSZ, the Vácziak and the BV agglomeration 2 team, had achieved silver in the competition, which we are very proud of and congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts!

March 18, 2024
March 18, 2024

Presenting at Corvinus University of Budapest

We were invited to a class of the Corvinus University of Budapest students of business administration and management, where our CEO, István Miskolczi presented the situation of the Hungarian plant food market, pricing and VAT issues, as well as the results of our representative research last year.

We look forward to more opportunities in the future to put ourselves on the map of Hungarian higher education, to bring new perspectives on plant-based foods to the generation that will soon enter the labour market.

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

Plant-based masterclass

6 chefs from the Hungarian Prison Service took part in a master class on "Plant-based restaurant pastas" at the METRO Gastronomy Academy, funded by NÉGYOSZ.

May 7, 2024
Növényi ital - mentes munkacsoportot hívott életre a NAK
May 7, 2024

The free-from working group

The NAK (National Chamber of Agriculture) is helping to develop the market for free-from products by setting up a working group. NÉGYOSZ also attended the inaugural meeting of the working group, representing our membership.

May 16, 2024
May 16, 2024

Roundtable on the Day of Innovation

This year, we participated in the Innovation Day organised by Trade magazine, as part of an exciting roundtable discussion where, among other things, the topic of naming free products was raised again.


Photo: Trade Magazine

July 5, 2024
July 5, 2024

'Shaping consumers' food choices' workshop in Brussels

On 5 July, the EU Presidency's workshop Shaping consumers' food choices was held in Brussels.
NÉGYOSZ was represented by István Miskolczi, CEO.


What's next?

Delighted to announce that NÉGYOSZ is evolving into a stronger and more dynamic organization, brimming with exciting plans and goals for 2024 and beyond. Throughout this year, we have achieved numerous successes in the realms of animal welfare, sustainability, and support for plant-based businesses.

Our aim

is to further expand awareness of plant-based diets and sustainability while providing support to those who share similar values. Additionally, fantastic opportunities await those who join us to actively participate in achieving our common goals.

Join us

If you wish to be part of this vibrant community and follow the achievements of NÉGYOSZ.