Plant-based masterclass for chefs

Plant-based masterclass for chefs

An old dream of ours has come true with the opportunity for professional chefs, including catering staff, to participate in a training course on plant-based catering at the METRO Gastronomy Academy. The training, entitled “Plant-based Restaurant Pastas”, held on 23 April, focused on sharing the knowledge of executive chef Gergely Zsolnay, horticultural engineer, certified nutritionist, executive chef of The Planteen…

Most people drink plant based drinks with their coffee

Most people drink plant based drinks with their coffee

In 2024, Danone Hungary will again be part of the regional research conducted in 5 Central and Eastern European countries, which also surveyed Hungarian consumers’ eating habits, their relationship with vegetarian and plant-based diets, which products they most often substitute with plant-based ingredients, why and when they consume these alternatives. “Hungarian society is increasingly open to plant-based nutrition” Following previous…

Mini-conference on sustainable public catering

Mini-conference on sustainable public catering

A mini-conference on the implementation of sustainable public catering in Hungary was held on 17 January 2024 in Budapest. The conference was supported by the German Federal Foundation for the Environment (DBU, Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt), the Csermely Environmental Association and the Responsible Gastro Foundation. During the day-long programme, the participants were able to attend the following presentations: All the speakers…

This was the 1st year of NÉGYOSZ

This was the 1st year of NÉGYOSZ

The Hungarian Association of Plant-Based Food Producers and Distributors (NÉGYOSZ) started its work at the end of November, beginning of December 2022, just over a year ago. Here is a summary of what we have done and achieved in our first year. By human standards, it is still in its infancy, when we cling on and try to take our…