Vegan January – 5th time in Hungary
Veganuary is a non-profit organisation that started in January 2014 in the UK. Its aim is to raise awareness of the vegan lifestyle, including plant-based diets, along the lines of the 30-day challenge, which has become a favourite with many. The organisation provides a wealth of information and practical tips to encourage people to try out how easy and enjoyable it can be to make the transition to a vegan lifestyle.
The challenge is called Veganuary (vegan + january) because it gets a lot of publicity in the first month of every year, but it’s actually available all year round. January is a time of new beginnings, “I’m going to do better this year” and resolutions, so the timing is perfect, it’s certainly when it reaches the most consumers.
In 2023, the initiative boasted more than 700,000 official sign-ups, but it is likely that many more people (family members, friends, etc. of sign-ups) have taken up the challenge.
Vegan January in Hungary
This year, Prove.hu is organising the 5th edition of Veganuary in Hungary. The number of visitors is growing every year, and not in small steps. Last year, 15,000 Hungarians signed up, and in 5 years the challenge has 81,000+ followers.
“We show why the vegan lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. With a variety of sample diets, daily guides, interesting films, useful kitchen tips and an inclusive community, we’ll help you on your way. If you love animals, want to do something for the environment, want to be healthier, or just want to eat delicious food, this challenge is for you. Whatever your pace and whatever your motivation, we’ll support you all the way through Veganuary, because the goal isn’t to make you feel bad, it’s to make you feel better than ever.”
– sums up the point on the Prove.hu Veganuary website.

Companies, brands and organisations have also joined
In addition to individuals, various companies have also started to join, and are timing their campaigns for January to highlight their plant-based, vegan products and dedicate a special catalogue and campaign to them. In particular, food manufacturers, retailers and restaurants are joining the vegan January campaign, encouraging their consumers to eat plant-based.
The supermarket chain Lidl has also brought the prices of some of its vegan products on a par with their non-vegan counterparts nationwide. From cold cuts to frozen lasagne, the argument that you have to dig deeper into your pockets for a plant-based choice has been removed.

Nestlé, with the support of a dietitian, provides tips and information for those wanting to learn about plant-based diets, while the Nosalty recipe sharing site also features articles and recipe highlights on vegan January, encouraging amateur cooks to try as many vegan dishes as possible. Unilever’s The Vegetarian Butcher aims to appeal to its audience, especially restaurant owners, with its products. It has published a recipe book, maintained a social media platform for those interested and is encouraging restaurants to capitalise on the consumer’s year-round mentality, even attracting new customers.
There is certainly still a long list of people joining, and this, along with the growing number of participating consumers year on year, is an indication that plant-based foods are gaining acceptance and are becoming more in season.